Yesterday was a great example of where the two intersected once again when Pat Williams, Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic, autographed a copy of his book on leadership for me.
Pat, the author of more than 70 books, spent more than 40 years trying to motivate and lead professional athletes. He learned that money is rarely ever a motivator. He suggests there are 7 core principles that when used in their entirety makes a great leader.
He explained these traits as follows:

- keeps you focused (blinders),
- keeps you fueled(passionate),
- keeps you focused on finishing (wins vs losses)
Begin withthe end in mind
2) Communicate your vision effectively
- must be important to you communicate as much as possible
- communicate in away that people understand (be clear, be concise, and be correct)
- communicate optimism (you choose to be optimistic)
- communicate hope
- communicate motivation and inspiration (figure out each persons motives)
- communicate publicly
3) people skills (You can't coach them if you don't love them.)
- be visible and available
- listen to your people!
- ask good questions! (what do you think?How would you make the call on this one?)
- empower people- boost the selfesteem of your people!
- delegate
... success without successors is not success...
4) character counts in leadership (guard your character)
- honesty - tell the truth
- integrity
- humility
5) competence- be good at what you do!
- be a good problem solver
- put effectiveteams together
- teach what you know - be life long teacher and a life longlearner (continue formal education, hang out with smart people, be a life longreader)
6) boldness - make the decision and move on.
7) a serving heart... It's not about me, it is about theorganization and the people in it.
Check out his book for yourself if you get the chance. I can assure you it will be a great use of your time.
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